Sea Moss Side Effects

Sea moss, or Irish moss, is the new buzz ingredient among the health and wellness community. It is a spiny sea vegetable harvested for its health supplements and has thickening properties in commercial foods but are there side effects associated with this new superfood?

Sea moss is classed as being incredibly safe, as a general rule, for people with food allergies. There aren't many records of people being allergic to sea moss in any way, although more extensive studies would be needed to confirm this, as sea moss isn't that popular yet, meaning that many people aren't consuming it.

But can you be allergic to sea moss? The answer to this is yes. You can be allergic to sea moss and any other type of seaweed. However, this is very rare.

In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the side effects of taking sea moss and what causes the adverse effects. We will also look at some of the allergic symptoms you can look out for when you start taking sea moss.

Can Sea Moss Make You Sick?

sea moss sickness

Sea moss has many potential health benefits, but that does not mean there are no potential side effects. Some people experience adverse side effects when they take Irish moss, and it is essential to note that some of these effects are often due to certain conditions.

Sea moss can make you sick if you are not used to it. Some people may experience bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, and changes in their menstrual cycles.

What Are Some Potential Side Effects Of Sea Moss?

Irish moss has many potential side effects, but one of the most common symptoms is its effects on your gut. Some symptoms can range from physiological, mental, and sometimes neurological.

Effects On The Gut

sea moss on gut

Sea moss has different effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Some significant symptoms include constipation, bloating, nausea, vomiting, burping, frequent urination, and stomach cramps.

Some of these symptoms may be mild but often become severe and can last several days. If you are unsure how your body will react to the Irish moss, you can gradually increase your intake and grow your tolerance level.

Does Sea Moss Make You Gassy?

Sea moss can make you feel bloated and gassy, making you fart often. However, you shouldn't worry much about it because the symptoms will subside after a few days.

If Irish moss makes you gassy, you will probably fart most of the day. Therefore, staying at home or indoors is advised when you start taking sea moss. Irish moss will also give you a lot of bowel and gastrointestinal disturbances, so you will need to be somewhere you can quickly access the washroom.

Sea Moss Makes You Fuller For Longer

Since it is among high fibre foods, sea moss will keep you fuller for longer. Sea moss also inhibits your appetite, so it is common not to feel hunger often when you start taking sea moss.

While this is a sound effect if you want to lose weight, it can be a negative side effect for anyone who wants to add some pounds. Irish moss will help you limit your emotional eating and binging.

Sea Moss Can Make You Constipated

Sea moss may make you constipated days after consuming it. Some people have reported yellowish stool, which often occurs with increased food sensitivities.

Sea Moss Causes Diarrhoea

sea moss diarrhoea

Some people experience diarrhoea and unpleasant effects when taking Irish moss. Irish moss is a type of seaweed with a lot of fibre which is excellent for gut health. It can therefore improve your gut health and increase bowel movement. It can aid digestion, and it sometimes makes it easier to poop.

Sea Moss Can Make You Nauseous

Some people feel sick to the stomach after taking too much Irish moss, and you may experience stomach cramps, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. These symptoms are perfectly normal and can subside after a few days, but it is advised to stop taking your sea moss smoothies or supplements if it takes longer than 2 to 3 weeks.

If you feel nauseous after taking sea moss, try to increase the water you take. Try alkaline water to help you feel fine after a few hours.

Vomiting From Sea Moss

If you experience nausea, you may vomit from taking Irish moss. You may feel nauseated and vomit when you take Irish moss on an empty stomach.

If this happens to you often, we recommend you add your sea moss gel to your teas, smoothies, soups, or porridges. If you are taking Irish moss, you can start with a teaspoon full of Irish moss gel and eventually work to one or two tablespoons total daily.

Sea Moss Can Make You Feel Tired And Sleepy

Some people have reported being more tired and sleepy after taking sea moss. You might feel exhausted, tired, and drained when you start taking sea moss.

Irish sea moss is a natural diuretic and can often make you feel dehydrated, and it is, therefore, normal to feel fatigued after taking sea moss. It is essential to ensure that you take enough water throughout the day when you start taking sea moss.

Feeling tired and sleepy are sometimes detox symptoms and might only go on for a few days. If you feel drained and sleepy, make sure you take some rest and drink enough homemade fruit juices and spring water to keep you hydrated.

Sea Moss Causes Abdominal Cramps

Irish sea moss primarily works on the gastrointestinal tract; its immediate effect is often in the form of abdominal cramps. This is often the first symptom you notice when taking sea moss.

It often reduces after a while, but you should discontinue intake if the cramps persist.

 Sea Moss Can Cause Itching

sea moss itching

Sea moss may cause minor breakouts and itching. The itching is an allergic reaction to sea moss containing small amounts of sulphur.

Additionally, iodine and other thyroid hormones can cause autoimmune responses, often leading to itching and breakouts. Minor dermatological spots often characterise the rash and, in some cases, severe acne breakouts.

The breakouts are often caused by iodine in sea moss and are more common among people who have hyperthyroidism and are allergic to Sulphur allergies.

Sea Moss Causes Changes In The Menstrual Cycle

Sea moss has been reported to cause minor effects on the menstrual cycles. It plays a huge role in hormonal balance and can often cause hormonal disturbances in the menstrual cycle regulation.

The menstrual cycle is often balanced with a few cycles after you add sea moss to your regular diet.

Sea Moss Causes Headaches

sea moss headaches

Sea moss has neurological side effects linked to the central nervous system. It is common to experience dizziness, headaches, lethargy, and headaches.

Sea Moss Makes You Urinate A Lot

Sea moss is a natural diuretic that will increase urination frequency. You will also notice a change in the colour from a golden brown to a lighter shade.

Sea Moss Can Cause High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a condition that occurs when the body's blood pressure rises to unhealthy levels. Blood pressure measures how much blood pressure circulates in the blood vessel and the amount of resistance the blood meets from the heart when it's pumping blood.

Scientific evidence shows that sea moss has adverse effects on blood pressure and can lower blood pressure when added to your daily diet.

This is an excellent health benefit for an adult with high blood pressure and is also significant if you want to increase your blood pressure. However, it is a basic idea for people already taking medication for their blood pressure. If you are on blood pressure medication, it is best to avoid sea moss.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Allergies Are Believed To Increase The Chances Of Sea Moss Side Effects?

  • Iodine allergies
  • Sulfa allergies
  • Seafood allergies
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • People with graves' disease
  • Seafood allergies

How Often Do People Experience Sea Moss Effects?

Studies show that at least 63% of people experience one of the side effects we have stated above after starting to use sea moss, and the actual figure is suspected to be much higher. The effects are often mild and are often nothing to worry about.

Consequently, 37% of the people surveyed did not experience any side effects. It is also important to note that most side effects experienced are gastrointestinal.

Most people surveyed also say they continued consuming sea moss despite the adverse side effects. Most than 69% of the respondents cited that the side effects are expected.

Does Sea Moss Make You Dehydrated Because of Too Much Iodine?

Sea moss is a natural diuretic that can easily cause dehydration in your body. It is therefore essential to ensure that you take enough spring water when you start taking sea moss.

You should take at least 1 gallon (about 4 litres of water daily). Its diuretic properties make it great for detox.

What Is The Recommended Daily Dose For Sea Moss?

While using sea moss in moderation is fine, excessively ingesting it could pose you to toxins, including heavy metals and toxins. There is no recommended daily intake of sea moss. Still, studies published by environmental science and pollution research recommend taking up to two tablespoons to avoid experiencing adverse side effects.

Studies have shown consuming too much iodine can interfere with the balance of your hormones. It is also important to note that ingesting too much sea moss can expose your body to heavy metals such as arsenic and mercury.

Pollution in certain ocean parts has made it hard to source uncontaminated sea moss. Most of the shoreline where sea moss is harvested is not certified clean water from petrol products, toxic metals, herbicides, and pesticides.

How Does Sea Moss Cause Thyroid Inflammation?

Consuming enough sea moss is beneficial to your body's overall health. However, if not moderated, you can develop severe thyroid disorders.

Hashimoto's disease is the most common condition caused by the overstimulation of the thyroid. This condition is where the immune system attacks the thyroid system.

Too much iodine can also lead to autoimmune thyroiditis and hypothyroidism, especially in people with recurring thyroid diseases like foetuses and the elderly.

If you have Hashimoto's disease or any other problem related to the thyroid, it is essential to first talk to your doctor about the amount you should take and iodine foods you should limit yourself to.

What Is Iodine Allergy?

Iodine allergy is not expected since iodine occurs naturally in the human body. It is also required for the normal functioning of the thyroid, and iodine deficiency can affect thyroid health.

Iodine can, however, cause an allergic reaction in some people when ingested in the form of medication, solutions, and concentrations. While iodine reactions are rare, they are fatal when they occur.

The red algae contain a lot of iodine that can adversely affect the body. If you have an allergy, it would be best to avoid it.


Sea moss offers a range of benefits that can improve your overall health, but it also has its side effects.

Medical professionals advise new users to start with a small amount of Irish moss and gradually increase their intake to see how much sea moss gel their bodies can handle.